Curiosity may kill the cat but it makes the economist. As Chief Economist for RBC Global Asset Management, my team and I seek to identify and dissect the key signals hidden within noisy economic data and fast-moving financial markets.
This detective work yields two essential dividends. First and most importantly, it makes our clients money by improving the quality of our investment decision-making. I am a member of RBC Global Asset Management’s investment committee and we closely advise our portfolio managers on economic issues that may impact client portfolios.
Second, it provides the foundation for educating and engaging our clients via thematic reports, forecasts, presentations, editorials and the media. I appear on a wide range of television networks including CNBC and BNN, and publish editorials that span the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Globe and Mail and National Post.
My LinkedIn activity, whether that is in the form of comments or sharing, does not constitute an endorsement. All views and opinions are entirely my own and do not reflect the views of RBC, RBC Global Asset Management Inc., or any of its affiliates.
The opinions, likes, endorsements, shares and/or recommendations expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of RBC Global Asset Management and/or any of its clientele.